The importers must have a business license and their business category must be shown that the importers are operating the cosmetics business activity. Then, the importers have to prepare the documents base on Article 11 in Registration of cosmetic products and guideline.
After that, the importers have to submit the documents to the Drug Division, Department of Food and Drug, Ministry of Health. The processes will take two weeks as mentioned in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the Drug Division.

Registration of Cosmetic Products
A. The mandatary documents are as follows:

  1. Application form.
  2. The request letter with the following mandatary document:
    • Product Information File Part 1 (PIF Part 1) or the proof of safety products provided by the manufactory or the product owner including:
      • Formulation;
      • Authorization Letter,
      • Certificate of Free Sale;
      • Certificate of Notification;
      • Certificate of Analysis;
      • GMP;
      • Labels and Batch Coding System;
      • Claim Support Summary;
      • Undesirable Health Effects Summary;
      • Safety Assessment Summary; and
      • The Model Product.
      • Receipt

B. The fee for registration of cosmetic products is at 150,000 Kip for one product.

Recent Updates
On 15-17 March 2021, Ministry of Health held the meeting to discuss regarding to the management of cosmetic products in Lao market and disseminate the Electronic Notification System.
In this regards, Ms. Viengsamai SyLuexay, the Director of Drug, Chemist and Cosmetic Administrative Division, said that the advantages of the Electric Notification System is a good way to help the entrepreneurs submit the document without any risk of losing the documents and their can be check any time.

Initiation of an Implementation
Before getting the registration of cosmetic products, the entrepreneurs must prepare the following documents: 1) Business License; 2) Authorization Letter; 3) Personal data; and 4) Picture of the Product; to register at the Department of Food and Drug via email address at: cosmeticfdd@cpnp.gov.la ; And when the registration has been successfully registered, the entrepreneurs will get the confirmation by email.
Next step, the entrepreneurs have to register the cosmetic products at the Electronic Notification System via www.moh.gov.la with the following documents: 1) ACD Form; 
2) Ingredient.csv; 3) Claim Support Summary; 4) Undesirable Health Effects Summary; and 5) Assessment Summary.
Then, the officer will send the receipt for registration of cosmetic products to the entrepreneurs. And if your registration is approved, the officer will send you the List of Template for Notification of Cosmetic Products but if it is get decline, the Letter of Disapproval will be sent to the entrepreneurs accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Viphavanh Syharath

Vanisha Chaidee