Further Updates on Fast-track Examination of Thai Trademark Prosecution and Continuous

In Brief
On April 5, 2021, The Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) has announced 1) Notification regarding the criteria of fast track examination for trademark registration application which repealed the previous Notification issued on February 23, 2021; and 2) Notification regarding the criteria of fast track examination for trademark renewal application.
The Notification initiated a new fast-track system for trademark prosecution and continuous, which reduced the timeframe for examination of a trademark application and shortened the issuance of a trademark renewal certificate. The purpose is to lift up service level, and facilitate transaction for the private sector and regular people, as well as contribute positive factors for trademark business.

Key Takeaways
A. Trademark Prosecution
Generally, the registrar takes 16 months for the examination and issuance of the registration certificate, no matter how much of the quantity of the item of goods/services it is. However, under the fast-track system, the registrar will take only 6 months for the procedures if the items of goods/services will not exceed 10 items and these items conform with the specification of goods/services, shown in the website of DIP (https://tmsearch.ipthailand.go.th). Below is the comparative between the usual and the recent updates on trademark registration.

Matters Usual Recent Updates
Time for Approval 16-months 6-months
Official Fees
  • 1,000 Baht charges per item of goods/ services for 1-5 items of goods/services.
  • 9,000 Baht charges as a lump sum for more than 5 items of goods/services.
Remain the same.
Quantity 1 item of goods/services or more Not exceed 10 items.
Conditions for Fast-Track Examination These items conform with the specification of goods/services, shown in the website of DIP.

Key Takeaways (cont.)
B. Trademark Renewal
Generally, the registrar takes 3-6 months for the examination and issuance of the renewal certificate, no matter how much of the quantity of the item of goods/services it is. However, under the fast-track system, the registrar will take only 60 minutes for the procedures if the items of goods/services will not exceed 30 items and an amendment of the specification of goods/services will not be filed. Below is the comparative between the usual and the recent updates on trademark renewal.

Matters Usual Recent Updates
Time for Approval 3 to 6 months 60 minutes
Official Fees
  • 2,000 Baht charges per item of goods/ services for 1-5 items of goods/services.
  • 18,000 Baht charges as a lump sum for more than 5 items of goods/services.
Remain the same.
Quantity 1 item of goods/services or more. Not exceed 30 items.
Conditions for Fast-Track Examination
  • No changes may have been made to the details of the registration
  • The application must be submitted by the owner or an appointed attorney;
  • The Power of Attorney must clearly authorize appointed attorney to file the renewal application and collect the certificate on behalf of the owner’s; and
  • Applicants must request the fast-track examination when submitting renewal applications.
  • Fully-paid the official fee.
  • In case there will be an incomplete on the trademark renewal application, but it is able to revise within the date of filing, the registrar can order and approve the renewal on its filing date. However, if it is unable to review on its filing date, the registrar can consider within the timeframe as mentioned in the manual guide issued under the Licensing Facilitation Act, B.E. 2558, which is generated to public.

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

An Emergency Decree Amended Interest Rate in Thailand

In Brief
On April 10, 2021, New Emergency Decree which amended the Civil and Commercial Code on the reduction of default interest rates has been published in the Government Gazette and it shall be effective on April 11, 2021.
The purpose of the Emergency Decree is aiming to 1) prevent loopholes caused by ambiguity in the previous provision that allowed creditors to charge unfair interest rates which had been enforced since A.D. 1925 (B.E. 2468) that is not practically aligned with the current economic situation; and 2) relief the effect of Covid-19 pandemic that caused widespread damage to businesses, SMEs, and entrepreneurs to handle the obligations and debts’ payment during the economic crisis and to reduce economic inequality and unfairness.
Key Takeaways
The essential changes of the amendment are 1) to repeal the previous Section 7, 224 and replaced with new statements; and 2) to add remark provision on Section 224/1 of the Civil and Commercial Code, as summarized by the table below:
A. Section 7 : Standard Interest Rate that is neither predetermined nor required by law

Previously After 11 April 2021 Remark
7.5 per cent per annum Decrease to 3 per cent per annum To be reviewed every 3-years by the Ministry of Finance, and compared to close with deposit interest rate and loan interest rate of commercial banks

B. Section 224 : Default Interest Rate

Previously After 11 April 2021 Remark
7.5 per cent per annum
    • 3 percent perannum, as prescribed in Section 7;
    • Add-on 2 percent per annum
  • The creditor is able to demand higher interest on any other legitimate grounds;
  • Interest for default shall not be paid upon interest.

C. Section 224/1 : Installment Payment of Default Interest Rate

Additional provisions Result
1. A Debtor who fails to make installment payment at any dues. The creditor is able to calculate the default interest only from the principal of the installment in which the debtor has defaulted. The creditor will no longer be able to collect default interest on the total principal amount of the debts that have not been paid.
2. Any clause of agreements is contrary to the above provision. Such an agreement will be void.

In the past period, many creditors have forced debtors who failed to make a payment, to pay interest on top of the principal amount owed, as the repealed provision of law did not set a default rate. Thus, this new decree entitled to decrease the interest rate to be applied with the current world situation and economic trends.
However, the new interest rate under this decree shall only be applicable for the Interest and Default Interest calculation of the debt or the installment payment of which is due from the effective date of the decree.

Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please let us know.
Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Nannapas Phatcharakeatkanok

Chananya Yongmunkongkul

Timeframe Updates for Thai Trademark Prosecution and Continuous

In brief
On February 23, 2021, The Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) has announced the notification regarding the criteria of fast track examination for trademark registration application and trademark renewal application.
The Notification initiated a new fast-track system for trademark prosecution and continuous, which reduced the timeframe for examination of a trademark application and shortened the issuance of a trademark renewal certificate. The purpose is to lift up service level, and facilitate transaction for the private sector and regular people, as well as contribute positive factors for trademark business.

Key takeaways
A. Trademark Prosecution
Generally, the registrar takes 16 months for the examination and issuance of the registration certificate, no matter how much of the quantity of the item of goods/services it is. However, under the fast-track system, the registrar will take only 6 months for the procedures if the items of goods/services will not exceed 30 items and these items conform with the specification of goods/services, shown in the website of DIP (https://tmsearch.ipthailand.go.th). Below is the comparative between the usual and the recent updates on trademark registration.

Matters Usual Recent Updates
Time for Approval 16-months 6-months
Official Fees
  • 1,000 Baht charges per item of goods/services for 1-5 items of goods/services.
  • 9,000 Baht charges as a lump sum for more than 5 items of goods/services.
Remain the same
Quantity 1 item of goods/services or more Not exceed 30 items
Conditions for Fast-Track Examination These items conform with the specification of goods, shown in the website of DIP (https://tmsearch.ipthailand.go.th)

B.Trademark Renewal
Generally, the registrar takes 3-6 months for the examination and issuance of the renewal certificate, no matter how much of the quantity of the item of goods/services it is. However, under the fast-track system, the registrar will take only 45 minutes for the procedures if the items of goods/services will not exceed 30 items and an amendment of the specification of goods/services will not be filed. Below is the comparative between the usual and the recent updates on trademark renewal.

Matters Usual Recent Updates
Time for Approval 3 to 6 months 45 minutes
Official Fees
  • 2,000 Baht charges per item of goods/services for 1-5 items of goods/services.
  • 18,000 Baht charges as a lump sum for more than 5 items of goods/services.
Remain the same
Quantity 1 item of goods/services or more Not exceed 30 items
  • No changes must have been made to the details of the registration.
  • The application must be submitted by the owner or an appointed attorney;
  • The Power of Attorney must clearly authorize appointed attorney to file the renewal application and collect the certificate on behalf of the owner’s; and
  • Applicants must request the fast-track examination when submitting renewal applications.
  • Fully-paid the official fee.
  • In case there will be an incomplete on the trademark renewal application, but it is able to revise within the date of filing, the registrar can order and approve the renewal on its filing date. However, if it is unable to review on its filing date, the registrar can consider within the timeframe as mentioned in the manual guide issued under the Licensing Facilitation Act, B.E. 2558, which is generated to public.

Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please let us know.

Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Recent Updates on Processual and Implementation for Registration of Cosmetic Products in Lao PDR

The importers must have a business license and their business category must be shown that the importers are operating the cosmetics business activity. Then, the importers have to prepare the documents base on Article 11 in Registration of cosmetic products and guideline.
After that, the importers have to submit the documents to the Drug Division, Department of Food and Drug, Ministry of Health. The processes will take two weeks as mentioned in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the Drug Division.

Registration of Cosmetic Products
A. The mandatary documents are as follows:

  1. Application form.
  2. The request letter with the following mandatary document:
    • Product Information File Part 1 (PIF Part 1) or the proof of safety products provided by the manufactory or the product owner including:
      • Formulation;
      • Authorization Letter,
      • Certificate of Free Sale;
      • Certificate of Notification;
      • Certificate of Analysis;
      • GMP;
      • Labels and Batch Coding System;
      • Claim Support Summary;
      • Undesirable Health Effects Summary;
      • Safety Assessment Summary; and
      • The Model Product.
      • Receipt

B. The fee for registration of cosmetic products is at 150,000 Kip for one product.

Recent Updates
On 15-17 March 2021, Ministry of Health held the meeting to discuss regarding to the management of cosmetic products in Lao market and disseminate the Electronic Notification System.
In this regards, Ms. Viengsamai SyLuexay, the Director of Drug, Chemist and Cosmetic Administrative Division, said that the advantages of the Electric Notification System is a good way to help the entrepreneurs submit the document without any risk of losing the documents and their can be check any time.

Initiation of an Implementation
Before getting the registration of cosmetic products, the entrepreneurs must prepare the following documents: 1) Business License; 2) Authorization Letter; 3) Personal data; and 4) Picture of the Product; to register at the Department of Food and Drug via email address at: cosmeticfdd@cpnp.gov.la ; And when the registration has been successfully registered, the entrepreneurs will get the confirmation by email.
Next step, the entrepreneurs have to register the cosmetic products at the Electronic Notification System via www.moh.gov.la with the following documents: 1) ACD Form; 
2) Ingredient.csv; 3) Claim Support Summary; 4) Undesirable Health Effects Summary; and 5) Assessment Summary.
Then, the officer will send the receipt for registration of cosmetic products to the entrepreneurs. And if your registration is approved, the officer will send you the List of Template for Notification of Cosmetic Products but if it is get decline, the Letter of Disapproval will be sent to the entrepreneurs accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Viphavanh Syharath

Vanisha Chaidee

Myanmar Coming to Crossroads

There has been attempting of forming sovereignty in Myanmar by separating of powers into two main powers. The first side is illegal government settled by the military coup; and another side is the group of people who take sides with the previous government elected by the citizen, named Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH).
There are numerous announcements issued by both sides.
1. Illegal junta issued specially on martial law titled Hlaing Tharyar Township on March 14, 2021. Myawaddy TV broadcasts that the military council has declared martial law in Hlaing Tharyar, South Dagon, North Dagon, Dagon Seikan and North Okkalapa townships in Yangon on March 15, 2021.
2. Democratically elected government issued both political and economics announcements.

Current Situations
1. Destroying of properties: At least three Chinese factories in Yangon are burned. Embassy of China has called for action on burning of these Chinese factories in Myanmar.
2. Closing of operation: The private banks are still closing for the officer safety. Most of the staffs are also absent and taking leave from work without salary.
3. Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM): The government officers have been participated in the Movement. Therefore, the government operations have still been suspended.
4. Communication: Internet signal and access are restricted for almost 30 days and cut off from 1am to 9am. Telephone internet lines are not available. Cable internet lines will also cut off soon.

There are “UN’s Statements” which were issued to denounce the violence in Myanmar and call for the restoration of democracy. Nevertheless, most of Myanmar citizen still perceive that this action of the UN seems not actually lessen the ongoing brutality and severity there. The protestors in Myanmar recognize that they have the right to defense themselves and call for democracy and justice. It has been predicted that the local war will probably occur in the near future and the situation could be the long-term fight during the military regime to hand back the power to the citizen.

Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please let us know.
Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Htar Su May

Jessupa Na Pomphet

Implementation of Lao National Single Window platform (LNSW) to manage businesses

In brief
The Cabinet Office of the Ministry of Finance has issued an additional the Notification number 0163/CO, dated 27 January 2021, Subject: Application of LNSW platform (Lao National Single Window) to manage on import of the goods at Friendship Bridge 1 International Customs Border Checkpoint.
This Notification was issued in order to modernize customs activities, centralize, ensure the effectiveness and smoothness of the use of LNSW platform for importation of all the goods under exemption or suspension of customs duties and other obligations.

Key takeaways
Importers and exporters are assigned to pay customs, duties, and fees in one single point by following details:


Matters Details
Relevant agencies LNSW Co., Ltd is assigned to collect customs, tax, and service fees.
Official fees 120,000 Kip (One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Kip) for one transaction,
which excludes customs, duties, tax, fees and service fees of relevant agencies.
Payment channels and methods Bank Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao (BCEL) service unites; and Lao Development Bank (LDB) which includes BCEL i-Banking, BCEL One LDB Corporate Banking by cash, money transfer, and cheque.
Starting date 23 February 2021 onwards.

This is to notify all relevant sectors to acknowledge and ensure strict and productive implementation of this notification.

Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Viphavanh Syharath

Vanisha Chaidee

How current political situation in Myanmar effected to business and economy system?

The new regime
The Office of the President released Order Number (1/2021) on 1st February 2021 declaring the State of Emergency and the emergency declaration shall remain in force for one year, effective from 1st February 2021 according to Article 417 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
There are various orders, announcements and notifications issued and appeared in the Global New Light of Myanmar (2nd and 3rd February 2021), leading to the establishing of the new regime in Myanmar.
Most of the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts of the Regions and States were reappointed and the ruling junta reappointed the new ministers at the relevant government office.
Therefore, some process will not be performed stably. The journalists described that the situation as thousands protest against the military.

Shortage of fuel in the next two months
Myanmar has only two months usage for gas. Imports of fuel (gas & oil) have been suspended and trade and banking have been suspended as the anti-military uprising, which has been raging since the Myanmar military overthrew the legitimate federal government and continues to this day.
Gasoline traders are estimate that oil, which accounts for 98 percent of domestic demand, is the main importer and that there will be a shortage of fuel in the next two months, according to traders.
No more oil tankers arrived. Puma Energy was shut down on 10th February 2021, the trade was suspended until the banks reopened because oil importers could no longer pay their bills due to the closure of all banks.

All banking services have been shut down
All banking services have been shut down, and customs and trade offices can no longer operate on import duties and permits.
Myanmar's economy as a whole has stagnated and departmental offices are running low. Coup administration; the strong impact of the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), which is being led by millions of Myanmar people, to shut down all economic mechanisms.

Economic outlook
Amata Corporation, a Thai industrial zone developer, has announced that it will slow down its investment in the industrial zone in Yangon. A senior associated of the company officer told the press online that the current investment of more than 4.5 million will be slowed down.
According to Myanmar’s politics situation, THE MYANMAR TIMES issue the announcement that journals, websites and pages were suspend for three months. Moreover, private banking and most of the government officer participated in Civil Disobedience Movement. As a result, there have been delayed in financial operations in Myanmar.

Risk and difficulties
Due to the changing of enacted laws, reappointment, and administration of ministers since 1st February 2021, there are many ongoing processes with the government authorities have been suspended and most of the government officers have been participating in Civil Disobedience Moment (CDM). Therefore, investors who liaise with the government sectors and the investors who wish to invest in Myanmar are facing many difficulties in communicating with relevant government authorities.
As a result, other processes related to the government would not be able to proceed, apart from online services for some cases. Although the internet system can be used and accessed in limited time, this drawback has still been affecting telecommunication business and some businesses which need to use and rely on internet.
Moreover, the export and import businesses can also be severely affected due to transportation. The cost of foods, fuel and consumer goods will be more pricing, expensive, and scarce.
Thus, under this circumstance, the lack of Rule of Law in country can cause interruption to foreign investment in aspect that the investors may reduce their investments and the remaining investors may also stop their investments in the country later. The employment opportunities will be decreased constantly. Consequently, if there is nothing better, these could be the major

Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please let us know.

Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Htar Su May

Jessupa Na Pomphet

Vanisha Chaidee

Updates on Amendments to Thai Copyright Act

A. Latest Process
On September 29, 2020, the Thai Cabinet approved a draft amendment of the Copyright Act to National which has been reviewed by Council of States and submitted Assembly. The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Thailand has been accepted the principles of the draft amendment of the Copyright Act at the first reading on January 27, 2021. The proposed of an amendment shall be reviewed within 7 days by Select Committee.
Recently, the Select Committee has been appointed the head and other internal positions to consider the draft amendment on January 29, 2021; the second and third meeting was also held on February 3, 2021 and February 10, 2021 respectively.

Key Takeaways
A. Added the definition of “Service Providers” and “Service User” and revised the definition of Technology Protection Measure”
B. Expanded the definition of “service providers”.
The draft amendment defined “Service Providers” as to include an intermediary service provider; a temporary computer data storage service provider; a computer data storage service provider; and a computer data locating service provider.

C. Limited liability of service providers.
Service providers shall be limited liability of copyright infringement as of their services. They must be service providers who announced the cancellation of services for a service consumer who clearly infringes copyright and follows the announced measure. Service providers must provide any of the following services.

  • To be provided an intermediary service to transmit computer data through the automatic technic processing that not be an originator who transmit or select a computer data receiver and not alter the content of the said computer data.
  • To be provided a temporary computer data storage service which does not alter the content of the said computer data, nor intervene by using technology to obtain information data of a service user, and have a system to keep computer data up-to-date.
  • To be provided a computer data storage service that do not know, or have no reasonable cause to know that there is a computer data has infringed copyright on the system or computer network used and immediately remove such data out of the system or computer network or restrict the access to the said data when they know or receive a notification.
  • To be provided a computer data locating service provider that do not know, or have no reasonable cause to know that there is a computer data has infringed copyright and immediately remove reference sources or access points to such data out of the system or computer network or restrict the access to the said data when they know or receive a notification.

D. Copyright infringement claims.
The draft amendment aims to protect manufacturers and vendors of devices used for hacking and to boost efficiency in restraining intellectual property violations on the internet and encourage the confidence for copyright owner.
Copyright owners can send a request to internet service providers (ISPs) to remove infringed online materials of copyright from websites without having time-consuming of court proceedings.
Moreover, copyright owners can send notices to such ISPs. After the notices are verified, ISPs have to remove pirated materials and inform the removal to those who posted.
In case of the infringed materials or contents is hosted in overseas, the copyright owner must file the petition to the court. The case will be taken to the court to order the suppression notice to such piracies.

E. Protection of photographic works.
The draft amendment aims to enlarge the protection on photographic work for the lifetime of the creator and for 50 years after his/her death.

F. Protection of audiovisual works, cinematographic works, and sound recordings or broadcastings.
The duration for copyright protection of a work in the form of audiovisual, cinematographic, and sound recordings or broadcastings will be 50 years from the date of creation. However, if such work has advertised during the said period, the protection shall be 50 years from the first advertised.

G. Compliances
This motivation of revision to the Copyright Act shall also make Thailand comply with the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and increase efficiency for protecting copyright modernizing of the changing of digital technology, including the improvement of the provision of the limited liability of service providers.

What’s next?
The Bill is currently being considered by the Select Committee and expected to be proposed to the House of Representatives for the Second Reading in approximately two months. We will continue to closely monitor and provide following updates on progress.

Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please let us know.

Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

New Transfer Pricing Regulation

Key Takeaways
On 16 November 2020, the Ministry of Finance announced the Ministerial Regulation on Transfer Pricing No.369 (B.E. 2563 (2020)), titled “Adjustment of Income and Expenses of Taxpayers that Engage in Related-Party Transactions”. According to this Ministerial Regulation, it identifies the rules for Revenue officer to adjust or assess income and expenses of related parties subject to Section 65, Section 70 and Section 70 bis of the Revenue Code.
The related companies or juristic partnerships which settle particular commercial or financial conditions differencing from independent entities are believed to induce a transfer of profits, in case that it meets the following conditions:
❶ Establishing particular commercial or financial conditions which are applied to the related companies or juristic partnerships;
❷ Under the same circumstances, the commercial or financial conditions set forth therein differ from the conditions that could be applied to independent companies or juristic partnerships;
❸ The related parties establish commercial or financial conditions, thereby causing a transfer of profits between them through following mechanisms:

  • Providing different prices and terms, or payment methods, for the goods or services;
  • Providing different interest rates, financial service fees, or any kind of financial fees;
  • Providing a difference in other kind of income or expenses.

The above-mentioned mechanisms are considered by comparing to unrelated party transactions under the same circumstances.

Previously, transfer pricing principle has been exiting in Thailand for several years. Notwithstanding, there may still be some obstacles in practice for the Revenue officers in adjustment or assessment of income of the related parties which could be received, and also expenses incurring among them which could be paid.
Announcement of this Ministerial Regulation No. 369 could be a significant change for transfer pricing law in Thailand as it prescribes the rules and conditions for the Revenue officer on income and expenses which can be assessed. This Regulation refers that the officer could perform adjustment by using an internal comparable approach, or an external comparable approach.

Recommended Actions
It can be seen that transfer pricing law plays a greater role in Thailand. From now on, there will be more laws, regulations, rules or government notifications on transfer pricing to regulate the related party, and establish the criteria for relevant authorities to adjust or handle with the related party transactions.
In the light of business operation, it is therefore recommended for the business which could be regarded as the related parties, or involved with the related party transactions, to prepare for developments of transfer pricing by establishing the business benchmarks to be in accordance with the laws, and prepare the measures to decrease the risks that probably occur.
We will keep on monitoring and share our valued opinions henceforward.

Ministerial Regulation on Transfer Pricing No.369 (B.E. 2563 (2020)), titled “Adjustment of Income and Expenses of Taxpayers that Engage in Related-Party Transactions” can be access at this link.

Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please let us know.
Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner

Jessupa Na Pomphet

Maintaining the reduced Value Added Tax (VAT) rate at 7 per cent until end of September 2021

In Brief
On 25 August 2020, the Cabinet approved to maintain the reduced VAT rate of 7 per cent for an additional 12 months period of time to 30 September 2021 as proposed by the Ministry of Finance.
The 7 per cent reduced VAT rate is inclusive of local tax and will be applicable to the VAT liabilities incurring from the sale of goods or the provision of services and import transactions.

Key Takeaways
  A. Taxable Person
Any person or entity who regularly supplies goods or provides services in Thailand and has an annual turnover exceeding 1.8 million baht is subject to VAT in Thailand. Service is deemed to be provided in Thailand if the service is performed in Thailand regardless where it is utilized or if it is performed elsewhere and utilized in Thailand.
An importer is also subject to VAT in Thailand no matter whether one is a registered person or not. VAT will be collected by the Customs Department at the time goods are imported. Under VAT, taxable goods mean all types of property, tangible or intangible, whether they are available for sales, for own use, or for any other purposes.

  B. Exemptions

No. Activities
1. Small entrepreneur whose annual turnover is less than 1.8 million baht
2. Sales and import of unprocessed agricultural products and related goods such as fertilizers, animal feeds, persticides, etc.
3. Sales and import of newspapers, magazaines, and textbooks
4. Certain basic services such as:

      • Transportation: domestic and international transportation by way of land;
      • Healthcare services provided by government and private hospitals as well as clinics;
      • Educational services provided by government and private schools and other recognized educational institutions.
5. Professional services: Medical and auditing services, lawyer services in court and other similar professional services that have laws regulating such professions.
5. Professional services: Medical and auditing services, lawyer services in court and other similar professional services that have laws regulating such professions.
6. Income from business, commerce, agriculture, industry, transport or any other activity not specified earlier.
7. Cultural services such as amateur sports, services of libraries, museums, zoos.
8. Services in the nature of employment of labour, research and technical services and services of public entertainers.
9. Goods exempted from import duties under the Industrial Estate law imported into an Export Processing Zones (EPZs) and under Chapter 4 of the Customs Tariff Act.
10. Imported goods that are kept under the supervision of the Customs Department which will be re-exported and be entitled to a refund for import duties.
11. Other services such as religious and charitable services, services of government agencies and local authorities.

 C. VAT Registration
Any person or entity who is liable to VAT in Thailand must register to be VAT registered person or entity (Application form Phorphor.01 and Phorphor.01.1) before the operation of business or within 30 days after its income reaches the threshold. The registration application must be submitted to Area Revenue Offices if the business is situated in Bangkok or to the Area Revenue Branch Offices if it is situated elsewhere.
Should taxpayer have several branches, registration application must be submitted to the Revenue Office where the headquarters is situated. After registered VAT, the Revenue Department will issue VAT registration certificate (Phorphor. 20). Taxpayers have to display VAT registration certificates at their premises.
 D. Tax Return and Payment
VAT taxable period is a calendar month. VAT return therefore must be filed on a monthly basis. VAT return (Application form Phorphor. 30) together with tax payment, if any, must be submitted to Area Revenue Branch Office within 15 days of the following month. Services utilized in Thailand supplied by service providers in other countries are also subject to VAT in Thailand. In such a case, service recipient in Thailand is obliged to file VAT return (Application form Phorphor. 36) and pay tax, if any, on behalf of the service providers.
In the case where supply of goods or services is also subject to Excise tax, VAT return and tax payment, if any, must be submitted to the Excise Department together with Excise tax return and tax payment within 15 days of the following month. In case of imported goods, VAT return and tax payment must be submitted to the Customs Department at the point of import.

Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please let us know.
Yours sincerely,

Somphob Rodboon
Managing Partner