Women play a key role in global business growth, particularly in the wholesale, retail, government, and social services sectors. Despite representing one-third of creative entrepreneurs, they are notably underrepresented in the Information and Computer Technology (ICT) sector, which is a major area for investment worldwide. Women are even less represented in business in lower-income areas compared to higher-income ones. The overall environment for women entrepreneurs is generally considered low in most countries, affecting their interest and participation levels, especially in highly skilled sectors.

1) IP amount Women Entrepreneur
Businesses that women own are less related to intellectual property than businesses that are owned by men. Business the male-owned company has twice as many patents as the female-owned business.
Thirteen of the 20 women-owned businesses are non-intellectual property, and most are intellectual property. In particular, the protection of intellectual property is a common factor in businesses such as the information industry, corporate and enterprise management, manufacturers and educational services.

2) What are the main influences and barriers that prevent women from becoming innovative?

Several key factors and obstacles hinder women’s path to innovation. First, low employment rates among women mean fewer get the chance to contribute their talents. Lack of exposure to female role models as innovators is a major factor which discourages children from pursuing these paths. Lack of representation of women in STEM filed (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is also a major factor in gender inequality in innovation and patenting. Discrimination, gender bias, socio-cultural norms and expectations hinder women’s success. Additionally, women often face challenges in accessing necessary resources and networks, as well as receiving adequate guidance and training for growth. These combined influences significantly impede women’s potential to innovate.

Example: A large percentage indicate that women in the STEM sector have left their jobs due to bias in job opportunities or lack of support. On the other hand, for women who do not have a patent for their invention, they often face the consequences of seeking funding for various products.

3) Strengthening Women’s Entrepreneurship and IP
To support the full participation of women in the field of intellectual property, which is a key factor in promoting innovation, policymakers need to create an economic and social environment that encourages women entrepreneurs. We need to focus on strengthening, protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights.

Strategies to empower women entrepreneurs in IP include (but are not limited to): encouraging women’s participation in STEM education, providing universal support for female scientists, promoting gender equality, simplifying and reducing costs in manufacturing, and bolstering national support for female entrepreneurs, innovators, and startups. Additionally, establishing networks for communication, collaboration, and learning is crucial.

4) Branding and Product Development
Branding is how a company presents itself in the market, encompassing its values, mission, vision, and logo. Brands help differentiate products and services from one company to other. Brands also help build customer trust. Effective branding helps build loyalty among customers and strengthens public perception.

Product development involves designing and creating products that fulfill customer needs and contribute to business profitability. To ensure the success of product and brand development strategies, it is crucial to continually assess and improve the quality based on customer feedback and market trends. Adapting and refining the strategy is key. To build a successful brand and develop products using intellectual property, it is essential to thoroughly understand your target market, including their needs and expectations. This involves conducting market research, analyzing competition, and understanding pricing structures. Once you have established this foundation, businesses can proceed with their branding and product development strategies. By aligning these strategies with their unique strengths and core values, businesses can effectively respond to customer needs and differentiate themselves in the market.

5) Conclusion
Women play an important role in the field of intellectual property, yet they remain underrepresented compared to men. To address this imbalance, it is crucial to promote integrated and diverse ecosystems that support women with essential knowledge, skills, resources, in order to achieve their goals. Utilizing intellectual property strategically can help women build strong brand reputations and develop innovative products, emphasizing the unique role of female entrepreneurs in the market.