On 21st June 2024, Ms. Makara Um, Associate at ILAW Cambodia Law Office (ILAW Cambodia), attended a public training course on “Labor Compliance Obligations under Cambodian Labor Law”. This course has equipped her with knowledge about corporation’s obligations under labor law. Potential repercussions of non-compliance, how to identify any areas of non-compliance and how to effectively implement measures for ensuring organization’s compliance with labor law were also trained. Ms. Makara was granted with the Certificate of Achievement for attending this training course.

People are the most important asset of ILAW Cambodia. ILAW Cambodia has its concrete strategy and program to keep strengthening skills and expanding new skills to its staff, so that we can keep serving the best interests to our clients, partners and the communities as a whole.

ILAW Cambodia has Labor and Employment Department that serves on all aspects of labor-related services in Cambodia. Please contact us for any labor-related services you need in Cambodia.